I am a self taught software engineer with over 20 years of extensive experience in primarily web development. Through the years I have been able to branch out some and get experience with desktop applications, and through my own curiousness, built back end services as well like an IRC bot. I have also had the opportunity to put my Linux abilities to the test and become a system administrator for a small enterprise system.
Through my career I have mostly been a full stack LAMP developer. My primary focus in development has been in PHP but I have had a few opportunities to branch out and do some Python development as well. I'm familiar with several languages and proficient with multiple databases, primarily being MySQL and PostgreSQL.
In the past I've run Arch Linux as my daily operation system, but I have also had experience with many Linux distributions. I've used most major distributions including the Ubuntu and CentOS flavors. Currently I'm running Windows 11 on my home PC that I also use for gaming and have experience with just about every mainstream Windows version since Windows 95. I have also had the opportunity to be an admin on a few Windows Server installs throughout the years.
My Resume
If you would like to view my resume to view a full list of my skills and experience, I have made it available for download in multiple formats.
These are a few of my personal projects that I have either worked on in the past, or am currently working on in my spare time. It is through these projects that I am able to explore new ideas, technologies, and teach myself new concepts. Though not all of them are currently active, they have all played a big role in my development.
Desk Changer is a Gnome Shell extension that is written using JavaScript with gjs, and Python for the separate daemon process. Its purpose is to provide the ability to rotate the background wallpaper at a set interval. This extension comes with the unique ability to add multiple profiles. Each profile can contain any amount of folders or files that will be rotated through. It is currently available for download on the Gnome Shell Extensions website.
This portfolio site is another example of my abilities. It is built using the PHP language with Composer as the package manager. It is built on the Symfony Framework with a MySQL database for the backend. On the front end, I'm using Yarn for package management and Encore with WebPack for JS and CSS minification. While it is currently a very static site, my plan is to develop it into something that can easily be used by others as a portfolio website. In a sense, it will be a Content Management System that is very specific to developers and their portfolio.
SiTech is a code library that I wrote for PHP several years ago and have not actively maintained in a couple of years. It was originally my alternative to using a full framework or the PEAR Library as they were both heavy with dependencies. The purpose of SiTech being a library was so that you could easily use individual parts of the library, much like a framework, but without the dependency on any other part of the library. Since writing it I have started to use other code libraries and, at this point, no longer wish to maintain my own. Some day I might attempt to rewrite this library for PHP 7 using some of the newer features in the language and apply some newer patterns that I myself have learned.
SimpleIRC is a project I created several years ago. It was initially written to be an IRC bot, but my insight changed to wanting more of a library than a client. At first it was written in PHP, but after finding limitations when creating reloadable code modules, I rewrote the project in Python. Several years back I unfortunately lost the original code in a hard drive failure and did not have backups. I have not, since, taken the time to recreate the original work.
Get In Touch
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a line. I would also like to speak with you if you are interested in working together. Please allow me a couple of days to reply back to you. We all get busy from time to time, but I promise I'll get back with you.